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On the occasion of her 85th Anniversary, Training Tall Ship of the Italian Navy Amerigo VESPUCCI, led by Captain Curzio PACIFICI, will arrive in Dublin
on Wednesday morning the 10th.

The Naval Unit will be moored at berth # 8 on “Sir
John Rogerson’s Quay”, until August 13th.

This port of visit will take place on the occasion of
the traditional summer training campaign in favor to the Cadets of Italian Naval

The Amerigo VESPUCCI set sail from the port of Livorno
(Leghorn), in Tuscany, on July 07th in order to begin her 80th training
campaign, with 100 Cadets on board.

This year the campaign program includes the Western Mediterranean
Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Scandinavian Sea.

The ship set sail from Cadiz (Spain) on 31st
of July and the next ports of call will be as follows:

– Oslo (Norway)
from 21st to
August 25th

– Copenaghen (Denmark) from 27th to August 30th

Antwerpen (Belgium) from 06th to
September 08th

– Brest (France) from
11th to September 14th

Valencia (Spain) from 24th to
September 27th

ship is due to return to Livorno on October 01st.

Public viewing on board of Amerigo
VESPUCCI in Dublin is scheduled as follows:

Wednesday, 10th of August: 16.00-18.30 – 20.00-21.30

Thursday, 11th of August: 10.30-12.00
– 14.30-17.00

Friday, 12th of August: 10.30-12.00 – 14.30-17.00

Journalists and camera operators
wishing to attend the “press conference”
on board on 10th of August at
15.00, will submit accreditation request until 09th of August at 18.00 (by e-mail) at the following
email address:

VESPUCCI is a Sail Training Tall Ship of
the Italian Navy. She was launched on February 22nd1931 and she was commissioned into the Italian Navy on June 6th of
the same year. The ship was conceived with the aim
of maintaining a high quality level in the Naval Academy Cadets’ military
education and training. From a technical and structural
point of view, the Vespucci is a three-decked sail tall ship with a
diesel-electric propulsion system and has, from bow to stern, three masts (the
foremast- the main mast- the mizzen mast). The tallest is 54 meters high (about
177 ft). Equipped with yards and square sails plus the bowsprit which functions
as a fourth mast for a total sail surface of approximately 2.400 square meters
(24 sails). The ship is 101 meters (331 ft) long (overall). The sails are made from a particular cloth called Olona (canapé
thread, 2 to 4 millimetresthick). On the Vespucci all
the sails are manouvered manually, using ropes made of natural and synthetic
fibres. She is equipped with 11 boats. Whit a compliment
of 264 members, the crew is considered the heart-beat of the ship. They are
divided in 15 Officers, 64 NCOs (Non Commissioned Officers) and 185 sailors
performing numerous roles and duties. When the Naval Academy Cadets and Support
Staff embark the number increases up to approximately 400 persons on board.

VESPUCCI is goodwill ambassador for UNICEF since September 2007.




Lt.Cdr. Francesco ROTUNDI

Projected/Laid down:

12th of May 1930


22nd of February 1931

Delivery to the IT Navy:

26th of May 1931

Port of assignment:

– La Spezia (ITALY)


Piazza della Marina, 4 – 00196- ROME – ITALY

Email address / web site /

Commanding Officer

(Navy) Curzio PACIFICI

MMSI Number


The Mission:

& TRAINING (Cadets of the Naval Accademy in Leghorn, Military Naval High
School “F. Morosini” in Venice, Sail Training Association-I, Lega Navale
Italiana, etc.)

Naval Diplomacy

in cooperation with NGOs (e.g. UNICEF, WWF, MareVivo, etc.)

Displacement (gross registered tonnage):

4.000 Tons


82 mt (Hull) – 101 mt
(LOA – Overall)


15,5 mt


7,3 mt

The Sails:

2.650 square mt – 24
sails, square-sails, Staysails, Jibs plus one gaff-sail; The sails are made
of hemp, “olona” canvas, made by sewing strips of cloth called “ferzi”.

The Masts:

Mizzen Mast (43 mt) – Main-Mast (54 mt) – Fore-Mast
(50 mt) – Bowsprit (18 mt)

Cables, ropes and blocks:

Total length of ropes:
about 36 Km.

Blocks, Tackles: 900 wooden
made and 120 iron made.

The Hull:

Three main decks type, the
main-deck, or weather-deck, the battery-deck and the passageways-deck,
running from bow to stern with quarter-deck and poop-deck.

The typical white bands
on the black hull remember the two cannon decks of the classical 19th
century vessel.

Variety of wood:

Teak: main-deck and the
stern-bridge; Mahogany, Teak and Holy-Wood: for nautical fitting; Ash wood:
gratings; Oak: Officers’ Mess and Officers’ cabins; Mahogany and Walnut: Conference Room.


11 in total: 2
speed-boats, 2 motor-boats, 2 fire-boats, 4 ship’s boats (oar and sail
driven) used for the cadets’ training, and the typical “whale boat” with oars,
on the stern of the ship, reserved to the Commanding Officer.


Integrated Diesel-Elettrical:

2 Diesel generators MTU 12VM33F 2 x 1320 kW [1770

2 Diesel generators MTU 8VM23F 2 x 760 kW [1019

1 Electrical Propulsion Engine (MEP) ex Ansaldo
Sistemi Industriali (NIDEC ASI) CR1000Y8 (2 x 750 kW)

Electrical system:

Primary distribution 380V
/ 50hz

Secondary distribution
220V / 50hz e 115V / 60 hz

Interior/Esterior Lights:


Max 11 knots, engine-driven
– Max 15 knots, under sails


264 of crew members (15
Officers, 64 Pety Officers, 185 Seamens) + about 130 members of the Naval
Academy (30 Staff + 100 Cadets)

The Commanding Officer of Amerigo VESPUCCI

Italian Navy Captain Curzio PACIFICI

Captain Curzio PACIFICI was born on
19th November 1964.

He graduated from the Italian Naval College in 1987
and then he attended the Aviation School of the US Navy in Pensacola (Florida).
After earning his Fixed and Rotary Wing
Pilot License, he was assigned to the Naval Air Station in Catania for the
transition into an AB 212 ASW helicopter pilot. In 1990 he was deployed on
board Frigates and Destroyers of the Italian Fleet in La Spezia Naval Base. During
this period Capt. Pacifici participated in different Operations in the
Mediterranean Sea and in the Persian Gulf as well, under National, EU or NATO Flag.

In 1995, he assumed the command of MHC TERMOLI. In
1996, he was assigned on board the Destroyer MIMBELLI where he carried out the
duty of Chief of Operational Department first and Executive Officer afterwards.
In 1998, as his first shore assignment, he was appointed Staff Officer to the
Chief of Staff of the Italian Joint Operational Headquarters (IT JOHQ). Promoted
Commander on 1st January 2001, he assumed the command of the Italian Navy
Frigate BERSAGLIERE on October 17th 2003. In 2004, he was assigned to the
Italian Navy General Staff, where he commanded the Flight Support Office at the
Naval Aviation Department. In 2006, he was assigned to the NATO Allied Command
Transformation Headquarters in the Education and Training Branch.

From 2009 to 2012 he was Deputy Chief of the Naval
Aviation Department of the Italian Navy General Staff. Capt. Pacifici has a
degree in Maritime and Naval Science and in Political Science. In the academic
year 2002-2003, he attended the Advance Command and Staff Course no. 6 at the
Joint Services Command and Staff College in UK, and he received a Master Degree
in Defence Studies from the King’s College of London.

Since 29th October 2012, Capt. Pacifici has been
appointed Commanding Officer of the Italian Training Tall Ship Amerigo

Captain PACIFICI is married to Mrs Giovanna.