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Private international law law no. 218/1995 provides, as a general rule, for the automatic effectiveness in Italy of foreign judgments that comply with certain basic requirements of compatibility with the Italian legal system. However, foreign orders must be transcribed at the competent Italian Commune.

A compatriot residing in Ireland, duly registered with the A.I.R.E., may file a Divorce Judgment:

1. At the Consular Registry Office of this Embassy, which will see to its transmission to Italy for transcription in the civil status registers of the competent Municipality

2. Directly to the Italian Commune of affiliation. For further information, see the link:

Required documentation:

– Application for transmission of the judgment in the form of a Dichiarazione sostitutiva di Atto Notorietà (form: Modulo) in which it is declared that the judgment has become final (if this does not appear in the text of the judgment), that it is not contrary to other judgments pronounced by an Italian court and that there is no case pending before an Italian court for the same subject-matter and between the same parties, as well as the absence of any of the grounds for refusal referred to in Article 22 of EC Regulation 22/01/2003;

– The divorce decree issued by the competent authority of the member state with a translation into Italian;

N.B. The certificate issued, at the request of the interested party, by the competent authority of the Member State where the divorce was pronounced, using the standard model provided for by EC Regulation 2201/2003 does not require translation;

– Photocopy of the applicant’s identity document from which the authenticity of the holder’s signature can be verified: Passport or ID card (front and back)

How to submit the request

1.      By ordinary mail, sending all documentation to the following address:

Ambasciata d’Italia in Dublino,
Cancelleria Consolare
63-65 Northumberland Road
Dublin 4


Private International Law Act no. 218/1995 provides, as a general rule, for the automatic effectiveness in Italy of foreign judgments that comply with certain basic requirements of compatibility with the Italian legal system. However, foreign orders must be transcribed at the competent Italian Commune.

A compatriot residing in Ireland, duly registered with the A.I.R.E., may submit the Divorce Decree

complete with all the documents indicated below:

1.      At the Consular Registry office of this Embassy, which will see to its transmission to Italy for transcription in the civil-status registers of the competent Commune

2.      Directly to the Italian commune of origin. For further information, see:

Necessary documentation:

– Request for transmission of the judgment in the form of a Dichiarazione sostitutiva di Atto Notorietà (Form: Modulo) in which it is declared that the judgment has become final (if this does not appear in the text of the judgment), that it is not contrary to other judgments pronounced by an Italian judge and that there is no case pending before an Italian judge for the same subject-matter and between the same parties;

– The (legalised) divorce decree issued by the competent authority;

N.B. legalisation of original documents issued by foreign authorities for delivery to this Embassy: documents issued by competent local authorities of a non-EU country may be (a) legalised by the authorities of the issuing country itself by means of an international certification known as an Apostille (States that are parties to the 1961 Hague Convention) or (b) must be legalised by the Italian consular representation competent for the foreign district (countries that are not parties to the aforementioned convention)

– The translation (legalised);

N.B. the translation must be legalised by the competent authorities: depending on the case, this may be the Italian consular representation competent for the place of issue of the document, or an authority of the issuing country itself (in which case the certification will include a specific Apostille); alternatively, the translation may be sworn at any Italian court (referring to local sworn translators).

– Photocopy of the applicant’s identity document from which the authenticity of the holder’s signature can be verified: Passport or Identity Card (front/back)

How to submit the request

1.      By ordinary mail, sending all documentation to the following address:

Ambasciata d’Italia in Dublino,
Cancelleria Consolare
63-65 Northumberland Road
Dublin 4